[Fredslist] The event of the month! Tonight! Free! Not to be missed.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu May 5 12:46:40 EDT 2011

Gotham friends and mentors.
This may be the best gift you can give to yourself or a friend for rnewed 
If you have not been to a Ladmark event, seize the moment and treat-yourself to 
an energizing, perception-altering, paradigm-shifting experience and put 
yourself in the control tower of your life.
What's more, if you know someone between jobs or a young person who can't 
get arrested, this may be just the shot of Empowered Thinking they need and 
desereve. I speak first-hand. Not only am I a decades-long veteran of The 
Landmark Forum, I sent a recent unemployed college grad a few weeks ago for whom 
this was a life-altering experience.
There is no way to describe Landmark except to say, "Experience it." You will 
leave with insights and distinctions that can lead you to new possibilities of 
being. It provides a solvent for the glue that gets anyone stuck.
Thank you Gerladine for the opportunity you are for people to show up empowered 
in life.
Friend and fan always,
Kelly Welles
Dversity Co-chair
Kelly Welles, President
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants
Premium Insurance and Benefits Specialist
Member,NL Financial Alliance
733 Third Avenue @46th St. Suite 200New York, NY10017
Fax   212-541-5900__________________________________________
Specializing in Lasting Financial SecurityCell  917-626-8590

From: "newthynk at aol.com" <newthynk at aol.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Sent: Thu, May 5, 2011 3:23:00 AM
Subject: [Fredslist] The event of the month! Tonight! Free!

COME AND BE MY GUEST!  Geraldine Newman - NEWTHYNK - 212.988.3395
>You are invited to our 
>Cinco de Mayo 
>celebration of freedom. 
>On May 5, 1862, a small band of dedicated freedom fighters in Puebla, Mexico, 
> fought off a force more than twice their size to keep their freedom! 
>You are invited to a celebration of your freedom. 
>And it's free. 
>Thursday, May 5, at 7:15 PM
>Bring your biggest obstacle and we promise you an evening that will show you how 
>to triumph over your obstacles - no matter how big. 
>Landmark Education, Commitment Seminar 
>317-A W 33rd Street @ 8th Avenue 
>212.824.3300    www.landmarkeducation.com
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