[Fredslist] 5/17 LI Seminar

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Tue May 3 15:15:20 EDT 2011

One of our members had their corporate website hijacked. It is a form of
corporate ID Theft.  While they were able to shut down the fraud site, the
thieves simply open it again elsewhere. The second shut down resulted in a
third supported by a European company. 
This problem will continue. It also exposes the member to having their
company trademarks, logos, and other identifiers used without knowledge
resulting in the loss of potential clients and trickery they may become
liable for even if it isn't their fault. 

One of our members has a grown daughter who is experiencing attempts to 
into her bank accounts every 48-72 hours because her name, social security
number, and other identifying information were stolen.  This person or 
of people are also attempting to open accounts and gain access to PINs 
few days.  It takes time away from her life, it rattles her day, it has
cause the loss of productivity to her employers, as well as it just is 
unfair.  She now lives a hyper-vigilant life because of it.

ID Theft is a menace.

On May 17 at 8am we are holding a seminar on Identity theft: The Monster 
the Closet is You
It is located at Moritt Hock, Hamroff & Horowitz 400 Garden City Plaza,
Garden City, NY 2nd floor

Ester Horowitz, a national speaker, educator, and certified on the 
will be conducting the seminar and teaching us what we can do to protect 
companies, our employees, and ourselves better.

RSVP your participation to Janet Castrogiovanni 516-804-8543 or email her 
jdgrosso at optonline.net

See you there.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
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