[Fredslist] Looking for Career Coach/Recruiter in NYC (Long Island) Area

Paula Suita paula at suitacommunications.com
Wed Jun 29 11:25:23 EDT 2011

Hello Gothamites!

I am trying to help a friend with a major career change.  My friend is
looking to change careers.  She has been an elementary school teacher for
over 20 years, but wants to leave the schools for a new career path. She is
looking to speak with a career coach or recruiter who can assist her in
rewriting her resume and focusing her job search. Ideal location would be
Nassau County Long Island, for one-on-one meetings.

Please send email to me at paula at suitacommunications.com and I will forward.

Thanks, in advance, for all assistance!

Suita Communications
-- Building Your Business through PR, Marketing and Social Media
T: 781-784-2900 l M: 508-361-6300 l 
paula at suitacommunications.com l www.suitacommunications.com
LinkedIn/Twitter/Skype - paulasuita    Facebook - SuitaCommunications

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