[Fredslist] Read the mission statement below to see if we can help this women help othere

JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Tue Jun 28 15:14:43 EDT 2011

Dear Fellow Gothamites,  I have known Melody Merker since her birth  and 
she can use our help.  Read her mission statement to see if we can be  of 
help.  I have her resume if you want it and would be happy to forward  it.  Her 
goal is health care advocacy.  She has all of the credits to  get her there 
she just needs to be pointed in the right direction.  
Melody's Mission Statement:
 I have an inherent desire to empower individuals to take a stand for  
their lives by guiding them towards better choices and alternatives when  
appropriate and safe to do so. I have always worked as a team player and am a  
firm believer that the most effective and safest healthcare plans emerge from  
the unity of a healthcare team that knows how to actively listen. I believe, 
 time is key in any system, in which, change needs to be made. Often, 
health care  practitioners fail to take the time to really listen to the real 
active concerns  of their clients or impose their own values and beliefs about 
what they think a  client's situation is about rather than simply "be 
present" in the moment for  the client. As a result, it leads to misdiagnosis and 
labeling as a society, and  perpetuates victimization, leads to 
criminalization, institutionalization,  over-medication, and a host of other problems. 
Regardless of some of these brief  thoughts that I want to advocate on behalf 
of, I also have much respect for the  work of healthcare professionals. I 
enjoy working with people from all walks of  life, having worked in a 
tertiary care setting, Lenox Hill Hospital, as well as  the criminal justice 
setting, the criminal defense division of Legal Aid  Society. I know the 
importance of separating a person from his/her  circumstance/problem and not judging 
a person based on one life  event/mistake/action from my work writing 
pre-pleading reports for court, gained  from information attained through 
comprehensive bioscope assessments. I have an  extensive background in theater, 
having attended the American Academy of  Dramatic Arts, Stella Adler 
Conservatory of Acting, Bennington College, followed  by graduating with honors from 
Tisch School of the Arts. My profound  understanding of the human condition 
coupled with my empathy for my fellow man  drives my hunger for macro change.  

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