[Fredslist] Borders Stores and Bankruptcy

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Wed Feb 16 21:26:16 EST 2011

I recommend Collected Stories in Milford. 

The owner is well versed in Rare and Collectable books, as well as poetry, art, novels, and strange printed matter both udesd and new.


I stopped ordering from Amazon a few years ago since the owner of this bookshop will order any book for me, and I can get it within days while still supporting a local small business.


Browse the website if you can’t stop by the store right away:




Tessa Marquis
Gotham New Haven
New Standard Institute, Inc. 
84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
203.783.1582 x101 
 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com> tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 



From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com [mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Ellin Yassky
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 3:02 PM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Borders Stores and Bankruptcy


Well, today another nail in the coffin of  publishing in the US has been hammered in. BORDERS has filed for Chapter 11, closing around 200 stores (yes, even some in New York). What does this mean? It means that publishers who have delivered books to Borders, and who are owed up to the millions of dollars, are between a rock and, well. . . a rock.

Since 2007, more than 23% of the publishing industry has been forced to layoff those associated with the industry (editors, artists, designers, etc.). The future is moving toward publishing-on-demand and eBooks (one colleague told me that they paid a whopping $15.00 to convert a book into eBook status. Where's the recoupable profit in that???). Talk about a "Brave New World!" This news regarding BORDERS  means even more layoffs and with that, the potential lowering of the bar in editorial quality.

So what's the point of this? Well, if you do happen to frequent one of the rare book-and-mortar, independent book stores, please buy something. Keep the bookstores in business, just for a while longer. Even the book industry is admitting (not publicly, of course) that in 10 years actual book stores might be like hen's teeth, and you know how hard they are to find.

Some say the recession is getting better, but for those of us in the book industry, we're all heading off for a bottle of wine . . . straw in hand!

What are your views on this news?


Ellin Yassky, Ph.D.
Medici Editorial Services, LLC
39 Woodbine Lane
Fairfield, Connecticut 06825
Ellin at MediciEditorial.com

Tu Ne Cede Malis, Sed Contra Audentior Ito

Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them

To learn more about the new, limited edition book: Alfred Dreyfus — Notebooks from Devil's Island, go to http://preview.tinyurl.com/yjp6m2m

Check out my newest article on the Kladno Torah Rededication Project: http://magazine.fandm.edu/?p=171




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