[Fredslist] Miami Rental

Susan Zinder sfzinder at aol.com
Sun Feb 13 22:23:54 EST 2011

Gotham - - 

Friends of mine are expecting their first child in a few months and want to
have a few adult vacation days in Miami before the baby arrives.  With the
baby coming though, money and time are both tight.

Does anyone have an apartment in Miami or Miami Beach that they can rent for
a week sometime in the next few weeks?

They are both responsible adults in their 40s so there shouldn't be worries
from that end.  They would like to go away in February or early March.

If you know of something that might be available ­ please contact my friend
Esty directly - - her email is esty99 at gmail.com

Susan Zinder
(women's group)

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