[Fredslist] FW: Gothamite Gabrielle Carlson represented at the White House!

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Sun Dec 11 17:59:40 EST 2011

Network fashionists...hark! Wearing a Gabriel Carlson may not guarantee a state dinner at the White House, but at least having one of her signature accents in yourwardrobe will let you know you are ready and, until then, you'll stand proud in any crowd. I never fail to receive compliments.

Today the Whitehouse, tomorrow Michelle Obama! Kudos Gab!

Your fan,

Kelly Welles
Chair, Diversity
2006 Recipient co-Networker of the Year.

Kelly Welles, President
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Premiere Insurance and Benefits Specialist
Member NL Financial Alliance
733 Third Avenue @46th St. Suite 200New York, NY10017Cell  917-626-8590
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 From: Phyllis E. Dubrow <pdubrow at pipeline.com>
To: 'Fred's List' <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com> 
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 9:51 PM
Subject: [Fredslist] FW: Gothamite Gabrielle Carlson represented at the White House!

A magnificent day-to-evening ensemble created by the Gotham Women’s Group’s very own fashion designer Gabrielle Carlsonwas worn to a White House soiree by a distinguished New York Times editor and columnist, whom Gab numbers among her most loyal fans.
Shouting out:  Kudos to Gab!
Phyllis E. Dubrow
Attorney at Law
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600 | New York, New York  10165-0043
T: (212) 661-2885 \ F: (212) 409-8682 \ E: pdubrow at pipeline.com
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