[Fredslist] Holiday party 2011

Marc Halpert ybillc at optonline.net
Thu Dec 8 08:32:09 EST 2011

Again, last night was another night that shows Gotham at its best!


Nine intrepid Connecticut Hinterlanders braved the elements to come by train
together to the party. We get on at our respective stops and sit together in
the front car every year- we have been doing so for the past 5 annual party
rotations (we do it for the spring party too!) 


It was a cold wet walk from the GCT underpass to the Friars Club but we all
warmed up instantly once we entered the party. 


Bob Formica was sorely missed, and I will always picture him in my memory at
his usual perch by the fireplace surrounded by laughing and admiring
Gothamites. It was so appropriate that Fred announced the annual golf outing
has been named in his memory.


2 very deserving nonprofits received the benefit of Gotham's generosity
during the Summer of Giving campaign. If you are not involved in funding
nonprofits, you need to know that outright gifts like these are so rare
these days.


Finally, we have broken the redhead prequalification to be a networker of
the year. Two years ago, Jack Halpern and I ceded to redheaded Judy Heft and
Ester Horowitz. These lovely ladies gracefully stepped down from their reign
to 2 guys who work so hard to encourage the Gotham spirit. Bravo, Cory and
Josh. I have worked with both of you in various ways and you certainly
deserve this honor.


I so look forward to these parties and they never disappoint. 


Finally a HUGE thank you to Deb Lindner who works SO hard behind the scenes
to make the parties and all that we do in Gotham such a success. You guys
have absolutely no idea what it takes to make this run without a hitch!

We exceed expectations.

Thanks and best regards,


Marc W. Halpert, managing partner

Your Best Interest LLC      <http://www.yourbestinterestonline.com/>

e-giving      <http://www.e-givingonline.com/> www.e-givingonline.com

connect2collaborate      <http://www.connect2collaborate.com/>


PO Box 320048  Fairfield, CT  06825-0048

phone 203.373.0875  

efax 203.549.0406



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