[Fredslist] Fun corporate art competition on 12/9/11

Gail Koelln gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com
Mon Dec 5 10:34:15 EST 2011

Fellow Gothamites,

Fran Smyth, Manager of Arts & Business Services for the nonprofit Arts & Business Council of New York, attended GOtham Green's Green Networking event on 11/22.  She mentioned this fund art/environmental challenge and I thought I'd share it all with you.  See the flyer below for details.

If you have any questions, I've cc'd Fran on this email so you can contact her.

Good luck to those who compete!

Best wishes,

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Gail Koelln, Certified Professional Coach
Coaching Family Members Caring for Elderly Relatives
(718) 776-7284
gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com

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