[Fredslist] FW: Because you asked - Update: Ariel Fixler's First good news about her Cancer and Newest Blogs

Rona Wexler rona at wexler-consulting.com
Thu Dec 1 08:37:46 EST 2011

You have been such a supportive, caring community that I wanted to forward this news.  If you want to be added to an individual list, just email me and dawn at virtualworks.ca<mailto:dawn at virtualworks.ca> (who manages my list).  My updates to the network will be far less frequent.  It really does take a village to move through challenging times with strength, love and grace. Thanks to all of you. And I know you'll understand if I don't reply to each of you, but know that each contact warms our hearts.  Rona


UPDATE: Ariel Fixler vs Cancer and Newest Blog

So many of you have asked me to send updates about our daughter, Ariel Fixler, and her newest blog posting.  I am now using Constant Contact to do just that.  Ariel is a true profile in courage and grace.  Her blog is open, funny, feisty, honest, energetic and magnetic - just like her.  Ariel's mission is to teach people about the experience of cancer -- give a voice to cancer that is real, honest and shares her humor and sass.  In early December she will celebrate her 29th birthday!

If I'm mistaken and you don't want to receive these updates, simply unsubscribe. You can follow her on facebook or
http://lilfixversuscancer.blogspot.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=qgkklrgab&et=1108846926833&s=865&e=001jFHdtfqO5uMAnAV89U4JG8e_73SfU6F9p0_bM6meNQCn9H_sYwyw2XZhFjbYsSK_sEpg-XShfqEQzqIgzj5aqhkb7z2D12-XxhVeCdv9BHqpbl7FqVNw094bZ6HHO5awyetk-oriEpc=> .
If you do follow her and find the hope and laughter as inspiring as so many have told us, please pass along because I guarantee it will reach someone, somewhere, who finds solace. healing and understanding.

Ariel has been hospitalized for over 75 straight days, lost a kidney, spent many days in ICU because of chemo side effects and almost no white platelets to combat infection and had disappointing results from her original treatments. BUT JUST IN -  PROMISING NEWS!!   At long last her new chemo, cisplatin, is having positive results!  Ariel's tumor has shrunk 35%, her white count is higher so that her chemo treatments will increase to 2x-3x/week until end of year. We are SO energized and "cautiously optimistic."
Recommend you read her Thanksgiving post:

Ariel has since posted new blogs praising a good friend and how music soothes the savage beast during chemo. You'll find these when you go to her blog site.

Rona E. Wexler, M.A., ABVE/D
Diplomate, American Board of Vocational Experts
T: (646) 335-5236<tel:%28646%29%20335-5236>     efax: (815) 366-8024<tel:%28815%29%20366-8024>
rona at wexler-consulting.com<mailto:rona at wexler-consulting.com>

15900 Riverside Dr. W Suite 6C, New York, NY 10032-1041
It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you're not.

[Ariel Fixler]


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Wexler-Consulting | 15900 Riverside Dr W #6C | New York | NY | 10032

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