[Fredslist] Communication Skills for the elementary school principal - what works, what doesn't

Jayne Latz jayne at corporatespeechsolutions.com
Tue Sep 28 08:17:55 EDT 2010

HI All,
I am presenting this week to a large group of elementary school principals-
a totally different venue than my usual audience.

I have found that talking to parents with children in elementary school has
provided me with the best material.

In your experience,
What do you find frustrating or annoying when speaking with your school
principal?  (One of my clients recently commented on the excessive use of
filler words at back to school night)...
What has impressed you with your local principals ? (with regards to their
ability to listen and communicate)

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Jayne Latz
*President, Corporate Speech Solutions*
"we help you say it better"
(917) 841-2965

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