[Fredslist] Fw: "Waiting for Superman"

Janet Adler jadler115 at aol.com
Sat Sep 25 18:42:13 EDT 2010

And she is right.  I fear for Randi Weingarten.   She must go so that it is not politics as usual. If you realized what percentage of children in this City go on to college or even graduate we would all try to do something. 

Janet Adler
Janet Adler Realty, Ltd.
Janet at janetadlerrealty.com

On Sep 25, 2010, at 6:04 PM, fklein at legal.org wrote:

> Here's a women with passion, a point of view and no fear of expressing it. Please see below.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> From: SUMMALEAD at aol.com
> Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:25:41 EDT
> To: <samorbutch at aol.com>; <pkpiccone at alum.syracuse.edu>; <Lizzido at aol.com>; <lmorriso at syr.edu>; <fklein at legal.org>; <jhenn at syr.edu>; <jennbrown at mac.com>; <arbradel at yahoo.com>; <rrudelson at gmail.com>; <shannon_froehlich at hotmail.com>; <tbronsn at schools.nyc.gov>; <allison.weingarten at gs.com>; <RuthinMN at aol.com>; <lwilkin at syr.edu>; <meghan at blisspr.com>; <Sbloom at bloomreg.com>; <karen.au22 at gmail.com>; <jeromeryan at hotmail.com>; <longformdocs at gmail.com>; <nshanok at tishmanspeyer.com>; <Corey.R.Karsch at aexp.com>; <LPender at schools.nyc.gov>; <rtwitchell at hotmail.com>
> Subject: "Waiting for Superman"
> Dan and I braved the Steuben Day parade and went across town to Broadway and 68th Street to see this film. (Yes, we went to the west side, snide remarks to the contrary)
> For those of us who care about this country, the is the single most important film you will ever see. I urge you to see it, soon. (Corey, please forward this to all your SUMMA mentors) Take your students, tell everyone of conscience that you know to see it and to tell others.
> There are one or two light moments, one of two short laughs, there are many more teary moments.  Most of all there is the bare, tell-all truth about how our educational system is driven, in spite of decades of US Presidents talking about it and trying to change it.
> We were trying as assemble our thoughts on the ride home and shared our emotional reactions. We came up with embarrassed, humiliated, frustrated, ashamed, mortified, shocked, chagrined and many more. But mostly what we felt was anger, red hot furious anger that this situation can exist in this country. Furious at the so-called educators, the bureaucrats, and yes, yes, yes, yes, the Teachers Union. If I could, I would rip Randy Weingarten's throat out. Because, at the end of the day it is all about the quality of our teachers, and the system, and the "contract" that allows them the latitude they enjoy with no accountability to anyone. And the moment they gain "tenure", they cannot be touched for the rest of their lives, they cannot be fired even if they sit in a classroom every day for the rest of their lives and teach nothing at all.
> My sincere apologies to the really great teachers, and caring educators.  They know who they are and so do we. And so do our kids.
> This situation has to change. Otherwise we should all just pack up our hopes and dreams for keeping the United States from being a totally second rate country in the next decade. We can do better. We must do better.
> We all saw "An Inconvenient Truth" which has, in time, changed the way our entire country thinks about the environment, and launched an entire Green movement. We can do the same, and more, if enough of us get angry and force change. See the film, go to the web sites, get the Blue bracelet, which they will give you when you leave the theater, and act. It is the Public, and only the Public who can force the issue. I don't care for whom you vote, make your voice heard.
> Jane W. Present
> 799 Park Avenue
> Apartment 14 C
> NY NY 10021
> Telephone - 212-988-7602
> Email - SUMMALEAD at aol.com
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