[Fredslist] Cocktails n Gotham

Ester Horowitz witsowitz at verizon.net
Thu Sep 16 11:57:19 EDT 2010

This one was more intimate and fun. We talked more about our lives and traded great stories. 

I was able to reestablish a relationship with someone connected to a long lost and dear friend that I can now reach out too. Thanks Arlene Haims.

Loved Lisa's stories of her "Twins" adventures.

Michael Garibaldi let me share with him what he loved about his work. That was nice since I grew up in a family of accountants and never saw it from his perspective. It was special. 

Mitch reminded me again just to breath... Don't ask.  

I got an invitation to go dancing Oct 16th. 

Oh and our new guy Chris the electrician out of the Queens group got connected to some power partners. He's got 6 year old twins so the twins club is growing. 

Debbie Linder's husband got showered with attention cuz that's our way.

And we collected money for the Gotham Summer of Giving too. 

Even though I was tired before I got there, I was glad I went. I was the 4th to last to leave. 
Awesome food. Awesome place. Best people.

Warmest regards
Ester Horowitz 
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