[Fredslist] They Know How To Party on LI

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Thu Sep 16 09:58:26 EDT 2010

Susan is absolutely correct. The party was a lot of fun. The Engineers  
Club is a great venue. Food was great, the Vodka flowed, and as usual  
Gotham's Entertainment King, Norman Spizz, provided great music. We  
were also entertained by such music legends as Fred Klein, Don  
Hochler, Alan Klein, Susan Sajiun-Fitzharris, and Steve Lichtenstein.

Gotham is about building relationships. Last night was a great  
opportunity to see my Gotham LI Family and to establish  relationships  
with new members. That is why I am so successful at Gotham. It's not  
about the lunches. It is about relationships. For $80.00 I got to meet  
50 great people, 2 great referrals, and had a blast to boot.

Thank you to Fred, Norm, Mitch, Sunshine, and the rest of the Tribal  

Warm wishes,

On Sep 16, 2010, at 1:14 AM, Susan Cleary wrote:

> Gotham Long Islanders are not only hardy "partyers" but are very  
> warm, welcoming and GREAT to network with. The plush Engineer's  
> Country Club put out an amazing spread ( it's really more like a  
> dinner buffet with super good quality delicious food.)  Not to  
> mention, the  cocktails are poured, shaken and served perfectly.  
> Plus  lovely live music AND, Fred ( after ?# glasses of champagne)  
> SINGS!!!
> We'll have to have a larger turnout from the City next year, it was  
> really worth the trip!  I met at least 6 people to follow up with  
> and can't wait to meet with them and do the real net"working"
>  I am also happy to announce that I will be working with fellow  
> Gothamite, Becky Wilbourn, Director, Diet Center 120 E 56th Street  
> asa health/diet counselor.  We work with inviduals and companies to  
> achieve healthy weight and optimal health.
> Hope to see you on  the Circuit!
> Best Regards,
> Susan Cleary
> Group Coordinator Bandit/Downtown Gotham
> www.dietcenternyc.com
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Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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