[Fredslist] Seeking silent auction items for Youth at Risk:

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Fri Sep 10 13:12:06 EDT 2010

Youth at Risk is a New York-based organization whose mission is to turn
troubled kids around so that they see, themselves, that they don't have to
become adults in trouble.  Website is  www.nyyouthatrisk.org.  Its track
record is jaw-dropping.


There will be a silent auction at its "Casino Night" benefit on October 6,
at the W Hotel, 49th and Lex.  The attendees tend to be professionals with
philanthropic hearts - a great opportunity for Gothamites to promote
themselves to some wonderful people by donating their own products and


If you can see the opportunity or just want to be generous, let me know and
I'll put you in touch with a YAR staffer to coordinate with.


Or, check the website, anyway.  They do great things!


Youth at Risk (YAR) is a not-for-profit, volunteer driven organization
committed to transforming the chaotic lives of young people through
persistent and compassionate mentoring. Since 1985, Youth at Risk (YAR) has
committed to transforming the lives of disadvantaged youth who exhibit
maladaptive behaviors such as truancy, violence, gang membership, physical
and verbal violence, and at-risk sexual activity.


Our mission is to decrease the at-risk behavior of youth and to enhance the
effectiveness of the people who live and work with them. Youth At Risk
currently provides both prevention and intervention services.


Our methods support the development of critical educational and social
outcomes for youth, including:


Decreased involvement in gangs, violence, and teen sexual activity.

Development of goal-directed behavior.

Increased GPA and school attendance.

Increased self worth and self-esteem.

Increased sense of family, peer and community support.

A shift in attitude and behavior, from being a victim to taking responsible


Phyllis E. Dubrow | Attorney at Law |230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525 | New York,
New York  10169 | T: (212) 661-2885 | F: (212) 409-8682


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