[Fredslist] 5771

David Powers DPowers at david-feldman.com
Tue Sep 7 11:58:47 EDT 2010

Dear Fellow Gothamites,

It's that time of year again, where many of us look back on all that we have to be thankful for, and on all that we have to look forward to.  It's also the time of year when many of us reflect upon the mistakes that we have made in the past, and upon how we can improve ourselves and the world in which we live during the coming year and beyond.

Personally, I am grateful for the love I receive from my son, my family and my friends, and for the relationships I have made with each and every one of you.  And in the coming year, I will continue to strive to be a better father and a better friend to all, and to make a positive difference in the lives of the many wonderful people who make a difference in my own life each and every day.

So, I want to use this opportunity to say "thank you," and to wish you and your family a happy, healthy and meaningful New Year.  May the coming year bring us all peace and prosperity.

L'Shana Tova!

David Powers

Vice President - Business Development

450 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2803
New York, NY 10123

Phone: (212) 705-8528
Mobile: (917) 453-5917
email: dpowers at david-feldman.com

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