[Fredslist] Welcome Fairfield's Newest member

Judy Heft judithheft at optonline.net
Wed Oct 27 13:12:36 EDT 2010

Please help me welcome Fairfield's newest member to our group. 


Lynn  Amos, Fyne Lyne Ventures. We are thrilled that Lynn has decided to
join us. 


Lynn is a website and graphic designer. She designs custom email, news
templates, custom blogs and web site designs using word press. 

She brings to the table a vast knowledge of design and style. 


Lynn sits on the board of the Fairchester Business Resource and the
Fairfield Business Network and is active in the Stamford Chamber of Commerce
as well as other groups and will be a great resource to our Gotham family.


Lynn can be reached at lynn at fynelyne.com or 914.930.4537 and her web site is
www.fynelyne.com <http://www.fynelyne.com/>  




Thanks and regards,


Judith Heft & Associates, LLC

Bill paying and daily management for busy individuals

office 203-978-1858

fax 203-978-1857

cell 917-494-3986


 <mailto:judy at judithheft.com> judy at judithheft.com

LinkedIn profile: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/judyheft>


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