[Fredslist] We have room for you!

JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Wed Oct 13 13:32:01 EDT 2010

Our very own Dr. Dan Berger  will be doing a seminar in the offices of 
Klein Zelman Rothermel and he will be  serving pizza for lunch.  October 29th is 
a Friday and the seminar is set  for 12:30...bring your questions and your 
appetite!  Let me know what you  like on your pizza when you make your 
reservation for this very  informative FREE seminar.  I look forward to seeing 
lots of  you as you:
                      HURRY UP AND SLOW  DOWN
"Hurry Up and Slow Down: Doing More at a Slower Pace: The Expanded  Version

This  seminar is an expanded version of what was presented at Gotham 
Suffolk and  Gotham Downtown over the summer. It will contain a great deal of new  

Gotham  Suffolk Co-Chair and Psychologist Dan Berger will present a counter 
point to our  culture of cramming in as much as possible in our lives both 
at home and at  work.  While this can increase our quantity of activities it 
seems to have  impacted the quality and particularly the depth of 
activities. As a result we do  more of a lesser quality and don't take the time to 
think or contemplate what we  are doing. Results suffer and we can end up with 
less when we think we are doing  more. These concerns have significant 
impact on our work and personal lives and  leave both filled with activity but 
empty of meaningful results.

The presentation will also review several articles recently published  in 
Harvard Business Review in which companies have attempted to introduce some  
of the measures, including: The Productivity Paradox: How Sony Pictures Gets 
More Out of  People by Demanding Less. 

Dan will discuss practices that can increase quality and depth of  
awareness, including an advanced introduction to Mindfull  Meditation."

Janet  Adler Realty, Ltd
212 427 3809
917 834 2246.


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