[Fredslist] I Want Crystal!

Cecilia cecilia at alersconsulting.com
Thu May 27 09:23:06 EDT 2010

Actually I predicted Lee would win against the majority and to answer  
your question bambe here's why.

People do buy on emotion.  I say it all the time to clients.  You have  
to connect emotionally.  When it comes to lawyers and doctors people  
select the one they FEEL better with even if they have to settle for a  
little less talent.  In marketing emotion sells & American idol is all  

I think Chrystal & Adam were similiar in being a little too far off  
main stream for most people.  Not all but most.

And then when Adam did have his major tv debut at the Grammys he went  
soooo over the top with the provocative sex that his scheduled tv  
performances were cancelled for 6 months.  His first album wasn't  
nearly as good as his ai performances.

Also who is the ai audience predominantly?  If it's young girls...

I think the choice was spot on and confirms my belief that people buy  
on emotion and knowing you audience is critical.

Btw Chrystal will be a star anyway as will casey

Cecilia Alers
Cecilia Alers Consulting
Award Winning Marketing & Public Relations

On May 26, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Bambe Levine <bambe at bambepr.com> wrote:

> Bummer.  Crystal has so much more going for her vocally than that  
> guy Lee,
> that it puzzles me that she lost.  Lee has no star power...he's a  
> bland guy
> with a not very distinctive style.  Even the way he sang with Joe  
> Cocker was
> stiff and unremarkable.  I felt as though he didn't know what to do  
> with his
> body. He seemed uncomfortable.... Crystal overpowered him by light  
> years.
> She was equal to Joe Cocker...she sang with him...they were in sync
> ...How come the audience didn't see this?
> American Idol is so much more than talent.  It's a popularity  
> contest--the
> guy who touches the audience more is the one who wins... the least  
> secure
> you appear is the way to win.  Remember last year.? Adam Lambert is  
> a genius
> and that guy whose name escapes..that sweet schnook, won.  How did  
> that
> happen.  A gay backlash?  Give me a break!
> Oh well, back to doing PR..at least I understand how it works...
> bambe
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