[Fredslist] Hats Off to Jack Halpern, My Elder Advocate

Linda Queenie Newman lindarnewman at verizon.net
Sat May 22 13:21:41 EDT 2010

Good Afternoon Along the Network,

Gotham is made up of experts in different areas. In the area of Elder advocacy, Jack Halpern is tops!

My Mother broke her hip on March 16th, she had successful surgery and she was fortunate to hire Jack to make her discharge plans.  The hospital recommended a Rehab Center and Jack said "absolutely not". 

I am convinced that my Mother's ability to walk again is directly related to Jack's hard work and compassion. 

Jack continued to visit my Mother in Rehab. 

Keep Jack and his services in mind because when the need arises, there isn't much time to act. 

Thank you, Jack!



2004 Co-Networker of the Year
Sent from my Verizon wireless BlackBerry

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