[Fredslist] Discount for Gotham members for Next Tuesday, from 6:30 - 8:30pm, Smallbiztechnology.com is organizing a special event: Google, Microsoft and The Cloud: Growing Your Business with the Power of Online Software.

Beth Silver bsilver at doubetllc.com
Thu May 20 12:12:19 EDT 2010

Hi -


Since Gotham is always so helpful when I have a question or a need, I asked
Ramon Ray to give us some complementary tickets for his event next Tuesday,
from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The event is called Google, Microsoft and The Cloud:
Growing Your Business with the Power of Online Software.

Panelists include executives from Google, Microsoft and Drop.io. 

The event, one of the few with these leading executives on the same panel,
will help growing businesses CLEARLY understand how to leverage online
applications for their businesses.

I'm writing to know if you would like to invite friends or colleagues to
attend the event at 10 Columbus Circle (59th and Broadway).

For the first five registrants, from your network, there are 5 complimentary
tickets (and more information) at this link:



Smallbiztechnology.com gave me a brief description of the event:

We guarantee four things:

*	You'll learn. 
*	Have fun. 
*	Meet new people. 
*	Be energized.

What will you learn?

*	How Microsoft is shifting Microsoft Office into the cloud for
growing businesses 
*	How to leverage Google Apps in your business 
*	What applications you can strategically leverage to boost your
hosted application experience

What else will you learn?

*	Why using traditional software can kill your business
*	How to strategically leverage hosted application to save money, save
time, boost productivity, enhance customer service, increase revenue
*	Apps that you NEED to know about
*	Do you have to use either all software or all apps?
*	How to bring the power of mobile apps to your business
*	Important security considerations
*	The importance of broadband when using hosted apps

When: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Samsung Experience, Time Warner Center | 10 Columbus Circle 3rd floor

Registration: $39 - ($29 early bird registration)



Beth Silver
Doubet Consulting
310 East 75th Street, Suite 3H
New York, NY 10021
P: 212.472.4340
C: 917.209.2703
E: bsilver at doubetllc.com
W: www.doubetllc.com

Doubet Consulting
Target Advocates. Empowering Your Business


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