[Fredslist] Am. Idol

Scott Bloom Sbloom at bloomreg.com
Wed May 19 14:02:08 EDT 2010

Am told Dewyze will win. 

Scott Bloom - Blackberry # 917-327-2109

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Wed May 19 13:41:14 2010
Subject: [Fredslist] Am. Idol

Okay, I have to put in my two cents. Casey is out.  Cute, but doesn't have the pipes.  However, I see a great future for him as a studio musician or writer.  He is a remarkably talented guitarist.  

Lee is interesting, but his range is limited.  I think he has tons of potential, but needs to explore different styles beyond the rasp.  His performance of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" was one thing, and the arrangement quite another.  That arrangement made light of a very powerful song.  It was like adding excessive butter and sauce to vegetables that are sufficiently succulent on their own, thank you very much.  The arrangement was distracting.  Perhaps someone got confused with Handel?  

Crystal Bowersox 's delivery of "Maybe I'm Amazed" was fabulous.  She has demonstrated an ability to tackle a variety of styles.  I was not particularly impressed by her rendition of "Come Through my Window," and the harmonica didn't add to the the performance in any fashion.  I think she has the superior chops of these three, but neither one is a Daughtry or Kelly Clarkson.      
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