[Fredslist] A Hidden treasure: The Backstage Tour of the Met Opera House

abonfiglio at psapartnership.org abonfiglio at psapartnership.org
Wed May 5 22:58:31 EDT 2010

Hello Gotham,

I am writing to tell you about the fabulous tour I took backstage at the Opera House. 

I couldn't believe the size and intracies of all that goes on behind the scenes.

The place is ten stories high, has multiple stages, dressing rooms, costume design areas, prop production and on and on.......but I do not want to spoil the fun.

It is a full two hour tour. I went on Sunday morning but I believe there are other tour times.

I highly recommend it. 

I hope you decide to go and enjoy!!


Anne Bonfiglio
Exec. dir./Partnership for Student Advancement
212 684 0281

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