[Fredslist] Gothamite Don Cronson Saves My Life

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Wed May 5 16:26:07 EDT 2010

Dear Fellow Gothamites:

Last week David Henry spoke on Fredslist about having surgery by a  
fellow Gothamite. I have a story that I believe will be a testimonial  
to Gotham that will top any other for a very long time.

Don Cronson (NY Lawyers Group) and I were at a Nursing Home in the  
Bronx yesterday to help a mutual client. We had lunch in the  
cafeteria, when I bit off more than I could chew. I could not swallow  
and began to motion that I was choking. Don asked me if I needed  
Heimlich. I motioned that I did. He sprang to action and performed  
Heimlich perfectly, although he had never performed it before.  The  
food in my throat was dislodged, and other than a sore rib I felt fine.

Besides saving my life, Don helped alleviate one of my greatest fears  
in life. I, like millions of Americans do not want to die in a nursing  
home, especially alone. In Don's
honor I have committed to double my efforts to make sure that no elder  
in America should have to die unnecessarily in a nursing home.

This incident also proves that one person can make a difference in  
people's lives. Dr. Henry Heimlich has saved countless people, and I  
plan to do the same. God bless Don Cronson and all Gothamites.

Warm wishes,


Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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