[Fredslist] Re: Ashokan Water

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Mon Jun 28 12:45:41 EDT 2010

Thank you, I have forwarded your email to my client.  We have a number of
Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
             "Nina Wallin"                                                 
             <nwallin at ashokan.                                             
             biz>                                                       To 
                                       <Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>,   
             06/28/2010 12:27          <fklein at legal.org>                  
             PM                                                         cc 
                                       "'Marc Lawrence'"                   
                                       <mlawrence at americanlandservices.com 
                                       Ashokan Water                       

Hi Fred,
Marc Lawrence cced me on the email concerning high water bills.  I don’t
have your number, but please call me in the office when you have a chance.
I’ve attached general information on Ashokan Water as well as a water bill
audit agreement.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.

For the water auditing agreement, I do not need money or bills to get
started.  We review all past bills going to 1995 (if available) and then we
determine if the property is on the best rate.  Our master licensed plumber
inspects the property to verify our findings.  If there is no savings,
there is no fee.  If we correct an error and get a refund, our fee is a ⅓.
If we don’t recommend a better rate, then there is no fee.  I have provided
a detailed explanation of point #5 on the audit agreement below my
signature.  I look forward to working with you!
Warm regards,

A couple recent wins include:
Amistad Management was refunded $90,000 on one property and another
$113,000 on a different property.

Nina Wallin
Ashokan Water Service
515 Third Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Office: (718) 499-4008
Cell: (305) 972-9977
Fax: (718) 499-3863
email: nwallin at ashokansaves.com
for more info please visit: www.ashokansaves.com

providing the following services:
Meter Reading
Meter Installation
Backflow Installation & Testing
Utility Audit
Water Conservation

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      Auditing steps:

      Once we review the past bills for errors and have corrected them
      (#4), we are left to deal with the possibility of reducing the
      prospective bills to the property.

      Therefore, our next step is to analyze our collected data in order to
      determine if the property is on the “Best/ Most Economical Rate” or
      if there is some other opportunity to obtain credit against
      prospective billing based on the Water Board’s regulations.  This is
      not about correcting past errors, but rather reducing the amount the
      property pays for water in the future.  This is also contingent
      based, so you don’t have to pay for the time and effort we spend
      inspecting the property, reviewing the account records, auditing the
      bills and analyzing the data and dealing with the DEP/Water Board
      should we be unable to save you money.  By way of example, just a
      couple possible situations are described below.

      Example 1 Recommendation:  The property is on Rate “A” and Rate “A”
      is the best/most economical rate for this property.  Do not change
      Fee for Recommendation: No fee.  We continue auditing the building on
      a yearly basis to see if that status changes.

      Example 2 Recommendation:  The property is on Rate “A” and there is
      Rate “B”, which would lower the annual bill from $20,000 to $18,000.
      We Do Not recommend switching to rate “B” because savings is too low.
      If there were to be a leak, it would wipe out the savings.
      Fee for Recommendation: No fee.  We keep auditing the building on a
      yearly basis to make sure it will always be on the most economical

      Example 3 Recommendation:  The property is on Rate “A” and we have
      found Rate “XYZ”, which would lower the annual bill from $20,000 to
      $11,000.   This savings of $9,000 is significant enough and we Do
      recommend to switch to Rate “XYZ”.
      Action to Implement:  Once the board approves to move forward with
      the switch, Ashokan handles everything with the DEP to ensure the
      switch is done properly.
      Fee for Recommendation and Implementation:  We based our fee on the
      actual, verifiable records of the DEP and/or data recovered from the
      property, such as meter reads, which confirms how much the client
      saved since the switch from Rate “A” to Rate “XYZ”.  So if a property
      would be billed $20,000 in a year for its water consumption as
      measured by the meter on Rate “A”, but following Ashokan switching
      the account to Rate “XYZ”, the property is instead billed $11,000 for
      that year, that year’s savings is $9,000.

      Ashokan’s fee originally would have been the full amount of the 1st
      year’s savings [100% of the 1st year, ex. $9,000] and the client
      would benefit by all ensuing savings after that 1st year, year after
      year.  Clients preferred Ashokan share in the savings over a period
      of time to support the decision made to follow Ashokan’s advice, such
      as switching rates.  Ashokan therefore agrees to spread its fee over
      the savings of the following 3 years and receive payment of 1/3 of
      the savings each year rather than be paid the entire savings of the 1
      st year.  This enables the client to enjoy the savings beginning the
      1st year by not having to pay the lump sum of 100%.  Therefore,
      Ashokan’s fee in the above example is 1/3 ($3,000) of the 1st year’s
      savings, then 1/3 of the 2nd year’s savings and then 1/3 of the 3rd
      year’s savings.  The client then keeps the entire annual savings to
      itself each year thereafter.

      I want everyone to be clear and confident that they have chosen the
      best company to help manage all the nuances of water bills in NYC and
      know that they can count on Ashokan for reliable, trust-worthy
      information.  Please let me know if you have any other questions or
      would like to meet any of us on the Ashokan Water team.

      Warm regards,
 [attachment "1Ashokan Overview.pdf" deleted by Fred Klein/KZRD]
[attachment "Ashokan References 2010.pdf" deleted by Fred Klein/KZRD]
[attachment "Contract Water (Past  Future;) & rider.pdf" deleted by Fred
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