Fwd: [Fredslist] Wow to Gil Effron! Wow to Marc Halpert

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Wed Jun 16 07:14:06 EDT 2010

Tessa is absolutely correct about the 3Cs at Gotham New Haven. Gotham  
New Haven absolutely exemplifies the Gotham spirit. There were 4 other  
visitors to the group that day... their first encounter with Gotham.  
Each felt as comfortable and right at home as I... as evidenced by the  
fact than none of them wanted to leave when the meeting was over.

I calculated that it takes me less time to get from my home in  
Riverdale to Trumbull than it does for me to get to the Downtown Group  
in the Woolworth Building. That's my way of encouraging all others in  
Gotham to ride the circuit to Gotham New Haven. You won't be  
disappointed. Like me, you'll want to go back again! gil

P.S. Tessa, thank you for your kind words about my talk.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Tessa Marquis <tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>
> Date: June 15, 2010 10:40:35 AM EDT
> To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
> Subject: [Fredslist] Wow to Gil Efron! Wow to Marc Halpert
> Gotham New Haven (held in Trumbull, CT) is always fun, informative,  
> humorous, meaningful, and all the other words a second cup of coffee  
> might unleash.
> We have a close, connected, and caring group. The 3 Cs!  But  
> yesterday was one of those extraordinary meetings.
> We had a great featured speaker, Gil Efron, marketing consultant  
> extraordinaire. I call him the “It Man”, the Clara Bow of marketing.
> I have been doing sales and marketing for 30-something years and  
> still learned tons from him!
> If you don’t yet know Gil, here’s the link to his profile on the  
> Gotham Members Page:http://www.gothamnetworking.com/members/mdbMain.php
> His friendly, understandable, an truthful approach to designing a  
> good, comprehensive marketing approach, converting that marketing  
> effort to sales, while conducting solid measurement of those sales,  
> was “It” in a nutshell.
> I was able to go back to my office and hold a mini-session to my  
> Computer Designer Geeks to explain certain aspects of our process  
> which are good or need more work. I was gratified by the good stuff  
> we do, and was able to pep talk with my co-workers about building in  
> our already existing customer-friendly sales philosophy into our  
> latest system.
> Gil’s new book will definitely be  a must-read. And edited by the  
> great Ellin Yaskey it is sure to be typo-free.
> Thank you Marc for arranging this visit and ensuring he made it over  
> the border without incident! I think that Certificate you presented  
> to him will assist him with any future emigrations. I know that my  
> grandfather had a similar certificate than enabled him to flee  
> Europe for the US!
> Tessa Marquis
> Gotham New Haven – in Surprisingly Casual Connecticut
> New Standard Institute, Inc.
> 84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
> 203.783.1582 x101
> tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
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> Fredslist mailing list
> Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
315 Madison Avenue, Suite 901
New York, NY 10017

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Fax: 877-805-8037
Mobile: 914-414-9245

Don't Just WATCH THE GAP, Eliminate It!



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