[Fredslist] Downtown Gotham thanks Dr. Dan Berger

Susan Cleary susanw.cleary at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 23:09:36 EDT 2010

Hi Gotham,

A special thanks to our speaker at out Downtown Gotham lunch today.We had a
super lunch  and especially benefited and enjoyed our guest speaker, Dr. Dan
Berger, Pyschologist, GROUP DYNAMICS USA. "Dr. Dan'
interactively demonstrated why our brains work best when we slow down and
focus rather than multi task.  Plus, Dr. Dan lead us in  2 minutes of
analytic meditation to allow us to concentrate and observe our thoughts and
emotions which helps us see our choices
without needing to act.

Everyone loved the presentation and introduction to this form of
Dr. Dan gave us handout material to expand on the technique and benefit from
this type of meditation which stresses following our breath to facilitate
observing and choosing capacities.

Anyone or group can benefit from spending time with Dr. Dan Berger on this
or many other approaches to increase productivity and sense of well being.

Hope you are all having a wonderful  summer.

If you want to contact Dr. Dan Berger his email is dan at groupdynamicsusa.com
phone 631-751-4340

Best Regards,

Susan Cleary
Group Coordintor Downtown Gotham/Bandit
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