[Fredslist] July 4th!

Norman Spizz nspizz at spnmusic.com
Thu Jul 1 12:00:25 EDT 2010

Also they signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4 because they wanted to do it on a holiday. (To all you purists I know that it was not actually signed on the 4th but then there would be no joke)
Norman Spizz
SPN Music & Entertainment
516 767 3919
212 465 9114

-----Original Message-----
From: "Fred Klein" <fklein at kleinzelman.com>
Sender: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 11:47:25 
To: <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: [Fredslist] July 4th!

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