[Fredslist] Another Young Pro Introduction and a big THANK YOU

Jennifer Berger jenniber93 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 25 18:08:42 EST 2010

Hello again Gotham,

Thank you to everyone for your enthusiastic responses to our introductions of the Young Pros!  The group is incredibly touched and fueled on by your support, which was discussed during our most recent meeting this past Friday.  In that regards, we want to say another special THANK YOU to Victoria Drogin, who came to speak to us about Gotham and networking at this event.  We could not have appreciated her presence more, it made the evening very special and got everyone in the Gotham spirit!

Continuing on with our introductions, we are happy to share the details of another new member-  Charles Geizhals (son of the renowned Gothamite Ben Geizhals in case you were wondering):

Charles Geizhals, graduated from Northwestern with a degree in classics in 1993, and is currently working for The Caldwell Partners doing recruiting for traditional and alternative asset managers. He has been a headhunter since 2006, and has focused all but a few months of his career on the financial services industry.  He has headhunted investment bankers, asset management professionals (salespeople, traders, PMs, analysts), private bankers, and middle and back office professionals.  He is interested in making contact with individuals who work in the financial services industry, and hopes to develop his own industry-specific knowledge through Gotham. 
To contact Charles please email: cgeizhals at gmail.com.

Very glad to have him in our group!

Best wishes,

Jenny Berger and Leah Bourne
Co-Chairs, Gotham Young Professionals

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