[Fredslist] Come Ride the Circuit with the Dynamic NY Women's Group! January 21st - lunch at the Friars Club.

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria at mindshiftresources.com
Fri Jan 15 16:15:58 EST 2010

Hi Gotham - 
Happy New Year to you all! 
We welcome you to visit the NY Women's Group and come network with us at our 2010 kick off meeting!
It will be next Thursday, January 21st at 12:30 at the Friars Club. Both genders welcome!
Please contact me at Victoria at mindshiftresources.com  to RSVP and to clear for conflicts. You can pay on line or bring a check to the meeting. Join us! 
Warm regards, 

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq.
MindShift Resources, Inc.
Executive, Professional and Life Coaching

victoria at mindshiftresources.com
t: 516.640.6260 | m: 917.418.2299

Your Thinking. Your Business. Your Life.         

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