[Fredslist] Nominations Please for the Gotham Green Awards

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Thu Jan 7 14:35:36 EST 2010

Please see below.  We need your nominations!

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 01/07/2010 02:34 PM -----
             "David Marks -                                                
             Shades of Green                                               
             Network"                                                   To 
             <david at shadesofgr         <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>    
             eennetwork.com>                                            cc 
             Sent by:                                                      
             fredslist-bounces                                     Subject 
             @gothamnetworking         [Fredslist] Gotham Green Awards     
             01/07/2010 01:50                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             david at shadesofgre                                             

"New Year's is over and we're back in the swing.
Before you know it, it will soon be Spring!"
                 Do you know what this quote means....?

The Gotham Green Awards for 2009-2010 are just around the corner! That's
what it means. And we are only accepting applications through the end of
January 2010, so get yours in NOW!. (Please see attached)

Read and Learn…..
The Gotham Green Awards were a big hit last year when our winners, Gotham
members Joel Chadabe of Electronic Music Foundation and Robert Politzer of
Green Street Builders, and Sustainable South Bronx, were honored with a
super event put on Gail Koelln and the Gotham Green Team! Only the finest
greenies in their field are honored in these awards as Gotham takes a stand
on helping the green economy grow. Check it out….Here's the lowdown…

Event Date:
The Gotham Green Awards luncheon, on April 22, 2010 - EARTH DAY
Mark your calendars NOW!

Three Award Categories:
      ·         Green Business or Green Initiative - Gotham Member
      ·         Green Business or Green Initiative - Non-Gotham Member
      ·         Green Community-based Non-Profit Organization  - (Open to
      Gotham Members AND Non-Members)

Spread the Word:
Nomination forms are attached to this email, so start thinking about who
you might nominate and spread the word with your extended networks. Gotham
is a super network, so don't just sit there reading your emails, start
nominating, people!!

Send 'em In:
Please send all completed nomination applications to:
greenawards at gothamnetworking.com

Some Basic Rules to Remember:
Only Gotham members can nominate an organization or company for an award

Thanks everyone.
Best regards and Happy 2010!

(Embedded image moved to file: pic31322.jpg)Email-Logo

David L Marks
Shades of Green Network™
P: 201.984.3413
Skype ID: davidlmarks
david at shadesofgreennetwork.com

 (See attached file: GG Award Application Package 2009-2010 FINAL.doc)
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