[Fredslist] PlanetThoughts.org - ABBA Happy New Year; Transition movement; and much more...

David Alexander MyEmail2 at OpalComputing.com
Tue Jan 5 10:40:24 EST 2010

 ABBA's Happy New Year
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/userfiles/image/2010/Jan/ABBA.jpg> Greetings,
everyone.  The top articles (PlanetThoughts) today are rather cheerful --
starting with a wonderful Happy New Year song by ABBA, a song I never heard
before this year but which is heart-warming.
Another lead article is about growth in the Transition movement, which is an
international organization that educates and promotes local economies, small
non-factory farming, local businesses, and enriching of community.  Other
articles include unfolding plans in Europe to develop the super-grid and
renewable energy sources on a scale which moves them towards what Harvey
Wasserman calls "SolarTopia"; news about more hidden risks in the current
pesticide/food additive/plastic-enveloped lifestyle that still dominates the
developed world; and a blend of articles on human nature, environmental
trends, and America's position in the new world green economy.
Please have a Happy New Year, by making this a world of happy new years for
David Alexander
President, Opal Computing
(718) 229-2609
http://OpalComputing.com <http://opalcomputing.com/> 
http://Green-Wave-Email.com <http://green-wave-email.com/> 
    Now! Visit http://PlanetThoughts.org <http://planetthoughts.org/>  to
    raise your awareness, discuss, and act on the
    current crises in the planet's environment
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