[Fredslist] Gotham Criminal Attorneys

Scott Bloom Sbloom at bloomreg.com
Mon Feb 22 10:25:31 EST 2010

Sounds like what Sheldon Leibenstern has been doing for decades. 

Seems everyone that Fred and I don't know-Shelly does. He's made Gothamly Magic for all my referrals. 

Scott Bloom - Blackberry # 917-327-2109

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Mon Feb 22 09:53:09 2010
Subject: [Fredslist] We are Lucky to Have Alan and Riva Schwatrz

Good Morning All-

 Whenever anyone I know needs help that possibly need a criminal lawyer I always send them to Alan Schwartz. From an attempted murder case to traffic tickets, Alan and Riva make me look good by handling my clients' and friends' matters professionally and with an empathy that is usually nonexistent with criminal attorneys. Until recently, all of my experiences with Alan and Riva were anecdotal but now I have my own story to tell.

 A few months ago, my stepdaughter was driving in Athens, New York and caught doing 26 miles per hour above the speed limit, a 6 point violation. Convinced that everything her friends had told her was absolute truth, she insisted on handling the matter herself.   Two days before the hearing date, she panicked and came to me and asked me to handle the ticket. I called the courthouse just to get an adjournment, but clearly didn't know the magic words because I couldn't even get past the receptionist. She told me that a personal appearance was required on the return date of the ticket. My next call was to Alan Schwartz.

Since I was now a panicked mother-and not a lawyer-Riva immediately calmed me down and assured me that, although the hearing was two days away and in a place three hours away it would be adjourned via telephone. And clearly, Alan knew the magic words, because the matter was resolved in a way which we found very favorable without the necessity of a trip to Athens, something the court receptionist told me would never happen.

So now I can tell you all from personal experience that the magic words in any criminal matter are Alan Schwartz. 

Rona Gura

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