[Fredslist] Lefty Luncheon

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks elizmb at tiac.net
Sat Feb 20 11:25:11 EST 2010

Well, 1st of all, what a joy to sit anywhere at a table with no concern about or planning to avoid poking or being poked by a right elbow...although several of us had to keep reminding ourselves that we were free from dilemma---and the necessity to arrive early in order to claim one of the few Lefty seats.  Here, it was the Righties who had to arrive early to choose a comfortable place.  Although, Lefties, being so aware and considerate of elbow seating, early on designated which seats were appropriate for any Righties who may appear.

That being said, let's move on to Marc's spy camera and to Fred asking all to raise their "right hands" at the beginning:  
Now that Marc let the cat out of the bag, does anyone wonder where, how, & why Marc might use his spy camera for networking?
A synonym for "Correct" is "Right", so anyone being asked to "Raise your right hand" may in fact interpret that "Right" as "Correct".  Is that Right? Correct? 
It gets confusing when an answer to a question is "Right" or "Wrong".  Right?  Correct? Crazy English!

Onward with the luncheon.
Marc and Norman Spizz came, made announcements, & departed early & quickly 

As people introduced themselves...the networking aspect of the luncheon...we discovered how many of our specialized group are actually ambidextrous in many ways.  Part of this comes from being such a minority and being required to adapt to a Right-handed majority world.  Part of this comes from accidents or teachers trying to change us.  

We talked about being right-eye or left-eye dominant, the increased probability of industrial accidents, the amazingly brilliant, talented, famous, and infamous list of Lefties throughout history.  Fred peppered the luncheon with a well-researched list!

After networking, we went around the table and related funny, unique, sensitive stories of our own...related to Left-handedness, of course.

Dana Charlton closed our luncheon with a poem that she penned.  I was hoping to get a copy for its inclusion here, but maybe Dana will post it on her own.

It's been a long time since the last Lefty Luncheon.
Last, but faaaarrr from least: A Huge Thank You To Gil Effron for GCing this event, for handling all the craziness, for having a Great Sense of Humor, for all the Fredslist postings and reminders, and for making it happen!!!!!!

Looking forward to the next one,


Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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