Fwd: [Fredslist] Fwd: Excellent person available in New Jersey

BOB SCHIFFMANN microwaves at juno.com
Thu Feb 11 12:59:01 EST 2010

Hi Gothamites
Yesterday I sent out am message about a terrific person available in New Jersey who is an "Active Learning Specialist" . Todd Fishkind correctly asked what that means. Here is the response from the woman I am suggesting. She'd also make a great Personal Assistant:

Active Learning takes a different approach to standard education patterns.  It makes use of many different approaches of actually involving attendees in the learning process.  Through the use of case studies, role playing, etc., attendees are literally made part of the learning process.  For example I have suggested to many of my faculty that when making first introductions, do not have participants introduce themselves.  Rather, have the group pair-off, spend a few minutes having the pairs talk with each other than have the mates introduce their partners.  This enables ice to broken much more quickly and sets the foundation for a more cohesive working group for the entire course. There are a myriad of approaches to this model which make the learning process much more meaningful and enjoyable.


Bob Schiffmann
R.F. Schiffmann Associates, Inc.
149 West 88 Street
New York NY 10024
phone: 212-362-7021
fax: 1-316-221-4707

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