[Fredslist] Vincent Russo, Esq. - Terrific Family Experience

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Wed Feb 3 13:36:30 EST 2010

Vincent Russo is one of the finest Elder Law Attorneys in the country.
On Feb 2, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Langsam, Andrew wrote:

> Last week my wife’s family and I met with Vincent Russo, Esq., an  
> elder care lawyer.  I went along because I am an attorney and the  
> four members of the family are not.  We all found Vincent to be  
> gracious, extremely knowledgeable, helpful and understanding of the  
> facts, law, and practical realities.  I highly recommend Vincent and  
> his offices for any Estate Planning and elder care-related issues.
> Andy Langsam
> Andrew S. Langsam
> Pryor Cashman LLP
> 7 Times Square, 39th Floor
> New York, New York 10036-6569
> 212 326 0180 (Direct Phone)
> 212 515 6969 (Direct Fax)
> 212 421-4100 (Main Phone)
> ALangsam at pryorcashman.com
> www.pryorcashman.com
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Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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