[Fredslist] Looking for job in real estate / finance

Lorri Zelman LZelman at spges.com
Tue Dec 21 14:00:57 EST 2010

Attached is the resume of a good friend's boyfriend who is looking to
relocate to NY (on his own) in January. If anyone has any suggestions,
please feel free to contact him directly.
Thanks and happy holidays to all!


	From: Carter Sealing [mailto:carter.sealing at gmail.com] 
	Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 9:02 PM
	To: ashleigh.k.mcbeth at us.hsbc.com
	Cc: Lorri Zelman
	Subject: Re: Carter's resume
	Ms. Zelman,
	Thank you so much for looking at my resume and determining where
you might place it.  If I may be of any assistance (possible quick phone
chat) in helping you, please let me know.  
	I would love to work with a full service real estate services
firm, focusing on asset management analysis for a component of a
commercial property portfolio.  I am also interested in other real
estate finance related positions.  
	Thank you again.
	Carter Sealing

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