[Fredslist] Diversity's Stacy Francis In The News! On CNN Fri., Sat. & Sun.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Dec 16 17:32:51 EST 2010

Dear Gothamites,

Diversity is pleased to announce that yet another member is in the news and it 
is our own Stacy Francis of Stacy Francis Financial.
Stacy, a personal prosperity expert, is frequently interviewed by major media, 
both electronic and print.  If you don't know about Gotham's hidden asset, don't 
miss her this Sat., Sun and Mon. on CNN. Details below. 

Kelly Welles
Co-chair Diversity

 Kelly Welles, President
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants
Premium Insurance and Benefits Specialist
Member,NL Financial Alliance
733 Third Avenue at 46th St.Suite200New York, NY10019Cell  917-626-8590
Fax   212-541-5900
Specializing in Lasting Financial Security

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Stacy Francis <stacy at francisfinancial.com>
To: kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 3:17:38 PM
Subject: Stacy Francis In The News!

Dear Kelly, 
We have some exciting news to share with you!

Stacy Francis will be on CNN numerous times starting this weekend. 

She will be talking about:

Money resolutions for 2011, money mistakes to avoid in 2011 and what we should 
all be doing with our money next year.

You can watch her on...

CNN Your $$$$$ with Christine Romans - Saturday at 1pm and Sunday at 3pm 

CNN American Morning with John Roberts and Kiran Chetry - Monday morning at 7am
CNN Newsroom with Tony Harris - Monday afternoon at 12pm

About Stacy Francis:

Stacy Francis has been published or quoted in The Wall Street Journal, 
BusinessWeek, Barron's, The Daily News, Dow Jones, Money, Newsday, Chicago 
Tribune, New York Post, Divorce Magazine, SmartMoney, The Boston Globe as well 
as most of the industry's trade publications. She's also appeared on The Today 
Show, Nightly Business Report and CNBC. For more press hits click here.

Stacy is honored to have been chosen to share her financial planning solutions 
and is uniquely qualified to do so. Stacy has many years of experience working 
with men and women offering  comprehensive, fee-only financial planning.We 
appreciate your ongoing business and new client referrals.  

Thank you for making our work so rewarding and for your continued confidence.


Wishing you prosperity and happiness,Stacy Francis, CFP, CDFA
Francis Financial, Inc.
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Francis Financial, Inc. | 111 John Street, Suite 240 | New York | NY | 10038 
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