[Fredslist] Gothamite Karen Nathan is featured in US 1 article which also highlights Gotham

Debra B. Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Thu Dec 16 15:58:43 EST 2010

Hi Gotham


One of Gotham's newest Group Coordinators, Karen Nathan of Gotham Princeton,
is featured in the following article in US 1. In true Gotham fashion, Karen
also turns the spotlight on Gotham.


The link to the article is below


10%20rules> &Itemid=6&key=12-15-2010%20rules


To learn more about Karen, you can reach her at:

Karen K. Nathan

Olivine LLC


karen at olivineconsulting.com 


601 Ewing St

Suite C-10

Princeton, NJ 08540


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