[Fredslist] Gotham Celebrates BIG

Debra B. Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Tue Dec 7 11:19:26 EST 2010

Wow - what a great day in Gotham yesterday. For those who could not join us
- we missed you! 


Thank you to those who helped make the night such a success - as Fred said
last night, big thank you to Susan Sajiun Fitzharris and the team at HUB for
creating all of the name badges so that we could all find each other and put
a face to a name. 


Thanks also to Marc Halpert for working up until the last minute to ensure
all who were wait listed could pay and attend.


Thanks to the amazing GCs who worked the registration desk and the party to
help check people in and make requested introductions - thanks to GCs
Vincent DeRogatis, Judy Heft, Sherry Rivera, Lisa Waterman, Deidre Siegel,
Marc Halpert, Susan Cleary, and Joe Sciabica.



Debra B. Lindner

Administrative Director, Gotham City Networking

debbie at gothamnetworking.com


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