[Fredslist] Thanks - Sloan Kettering

allison at legaleaseconsulting.com allison at legaleaseconsulting.com
Tue Dec 7 09:28:15 EST 2010

Thanks to all who responded to my request for help with connections to Sloan for my friend's son. Even with all of your generous help they had a very difficult time and it was only after they made contact with some other hospitals and doctors at those hospitals contacted Sloan that they finally got an appointment. Thankfully, David is now receiving treatment and although he has a long road ahead, we are hopeful for his future.

Thanks again,
Allison C. Shields, Esq.
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc.
Allison at LegalEaseConsulting.com
www.LegalEaseConsulting.com (blog)

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