[Fredslist] Thank you Gotham - what a birthday!

Debra B. Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Thu Aug 26 16:01:56 EDT 2010

Dear Gotham family,


Thank you for all of the calls and emails and Fredslist postings - you have
all made me feel so special today - as I said to some of you "I feel like
Queen for a Day "I must also add that we have a lot of August babies in
Gotham as many of you shared our common bond - Happy Birthday to Jack
Halpern (tomorrow), Lisa Waterman and Ben Geizhals as well as anyone else I


Thanks again to all of you - I am smiling and enjoying this beautiful sunny
day in Gothamland!


Thanks Gotham Family!





Debra B. Lindner

Administrative Director, Gotham City Networking

debbie at gothamnetworking.com

September 21 is World Alzheimer's Day - help make Alzheimer's a national
priority, lend your support today: 




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