[Fredslist] Referral at Brooklyn's District Attorney's Office for White Collar Crime Matter

Langsam, Andrew Alangsam at PRYORCASHMAN.com
Wed Aug 11 16:22:29 EDT 2010

A client has been defrauded of over $450,000 by a woman in Brooklyn who represented that the two go into business together (her making and selling a specific new product and the client providing interim financing) and, yet, she took all the money, meant for manufacturing merchandise and associated shipping and advertising materials, all pursuant to Purchase Orders and used the same for her own personal expenses.  It seems that the Purchase Orders against which the financing was advanced were created by the putative Defendant and never really existed.

 Does anyone know anyone at the DA's Office in Brooklyn to take this matter to.
Andy Langsam

Andrew S. Langsam
Pryor Cashman LLP
7 Times Square, 39th Floor
New York, New York 10036-6569

212 326 0180 (Direct Phone)
212 515 6969 (Direct Fax)
212 421-4100 (Main Phone)

ALangsam at pryorcashman.com


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