[Fredslist] 2010 Entrepreneur's Census

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova sfdecordova at FUELOUTDOOR.COM
Tue Apr 27 16:00:52 EDT 2010

ALL- See below, I think it would be great if you could take the time to fill this out.. it's a great study and highly reputable.

The below gentleman is putting together a comprehensive report for the entire ENT community nationally. He's been working on this project for over a year now.

Would you be kind enough to forward this to your members? In the end, it helps us all.
Matthew B. Shapiro l Yale School of Management
MBA Candidate, Class of 2010
Email: matt.shapiro at yale.edu<mailto:matt.shapiro at yale.edu>
Phone: 917.992.2643

2010 Entrepreneur's Census
Overview: The Census is a not-for-profit research effort sponsored by Yale School of Management.  The study measures the funding environment, talent pool, media coverage (etc.) for new ventures in New York, Boston and Silicon Valley.  All respondents will receive a free, anonymous report.
Home: www.bit.ly/entrecensus<http://www.bit.ly/entrecensus/>
Twitter: http://twitter.com/entrecensus<http://twitter.com/entrecensus/>
Tweet: Lots of GUESSING about entrepreneurship! Take the Entrepreneur's Census, get a report w/ FACTS: www.bit.ly/entrecensus<http://www.linkedin.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit%2Ely%2Fentrecensus&urlhash=bROT>
Background: http://www.xconomy.com/boston/2010/04/07/end-the-speculation-lets-get-some-facts-about-todays-entrepreneurial-markets/

Sergio A. Fernández de Córdova | Fuel Outdoor
Real Estate, Government Affairs and Legal
149 5th Avenue, 11th Floor | New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1 212 796-4190 | Fax: +1 212 967-7337
sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com<mailto:sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com> | http://www.fueloutdoor.com<http://www.fueloutdoor.com/>

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