[Fredslist] Gotham Green Awards are Next Week - April 22nd

David Marks - Shades of Green Network david at shadesofgreennetwork.com
Wed Apr 14 12:43:48 EDT 2010


See the 2010 Gotham Green Awards Event  <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=80839&MID=681&LID=27&EID=78336> eProgram.


Come to the Event!


Join the 2010 Gotham Green Awards winners for a delicious organic luncheon at the Friars Club in NYC! Find out what our community is doing to help the planet. 

Where: the Friars Club @ 57 East 55th Street 

When: Earth Day, Thursday, April 22nd at 12:30 pm.
How: Register for the event by April 16th, 2010


(Organic vegetarian options will be available.) 


Click <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=80840&MID=681&LID=27&EID=78336>  here to register for the event now. Today's the 14th already!


Check out the image below to learn how to navigate through the eProgram. It's very slick.


Please share this email and links with your respective network and let's make it an Earth Day event to remember.  <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=80842&MID=681&LID=27&EID=78336> Sign up now!


Want to save trees and go digital with an eProgram like this? 

 <mailto:info at shadesofgreennetwork.com?subject=I%20want%20to%20save%20some%20trees%20with%20digital%20publishing.> Contact us and we can show you how.



Shades of Green Network, LLC 

 <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=80843&MID=681&LID=27&EID=78336> www.shadesofgreennetwork.com 
 <mailto:info at shadesofgreennetwork.com> info at shadesofgreennetwork.com

Copyright (C) 2010 | Shades of Green Network LLC | All rights reserved.


To be removed from further mailings from our list please click this unsubscribe <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/unsubscribe.cfm?vEmailAddress=david@shadesofgreennetwork.com&vEmailList=27&act=subr>  link.




 <http://Green-Wave-Email.com> Email Marketing for
You and Your Planet


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