[Fredslist] Media inquiry - iPad for business - yea or nay?

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Thu Apr 8 12:53:30 EDT 2010

If anyone has ventured into the new world of iPad, here's an  
opportunity to get your name in the paper. gil

> For a national publication, I'm working on a story about if the iPad  
> is  or is not a useful tool for growing businesses (less than 100  
> employees). If you are a business owner and have purchased an iPad  
> for your business please email me and let me know a) IF you are now  
> using it for business right now and how  b) if you are THINKING of  
> using it for business (but still have already bought one) and how.
> If you are a developer and have an application specific for the  
> iPad, to leverage it's uniqueness FOR BUSINESS, please also let me  
> know.
> The deadline is today!
> ramon at smallbiztechnology.com
> -- 
> Ramon Ray, Editor & Technology Evangelist, Smallbiztechnology.com
> The Fifth Annual Small Business Summit  - Rocked!
> http://www.smallbiztechsummit.com

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
315 Madison Avenue, Suite 901
New York, NY 10017

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Fax: 877-805-8037
Mobile: 914-414-9245

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