[Fredslist] Save NY City Libraries.

Siegel, RitaSue ritasue at ritasue.com
Fri Mar 20 12:22:59 EDT 2009

The NYPL is supported 79% by city, state and federal funds.  NYPL is
destroying the concept of neighborhood library without a public hearing
and without ANY opposition except from librarians who have lost their
jobs and those who are afraid to protest because they fear for their


This is a disaster. You may have heard that the Donnell Library on West
53 Street between Fifth and Sixth was sold to a company that intended to
build a hotel to connect with 21 Club, their other property and put a
smaller library in its basement.  Well, the deal fell through and the
Donnell is for sale again. Its collections were dispersed through other
libraries.  The management of the NYPL has also put up for sale the
Mid-Manhattan library.  Below is a link that outlines the plan.  I
wonder if there would be such silence if the Board of Ed decided to
close and consolidate the public schools. Please bring this to the
attention of any of your press contacts, your city, state and federal
electeds, and any of the donors to the library.


If you are interested in writing letters, or demonstrating or being on a
mailing list about this issue, please send your telephone number and
email address to me and tell me what action you have taken on behalf of
this issue.






RitaSue Siegel

Gotham Member

Vice President and Chair of the Landmarks Committee

West 54 - 55 Street Block Association.

c/o 45 West 54 SAtreet, 7C

New York, NY 10019


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