[Fredslist] Knock 3 to 6 strokes off your golf game without touching a club!

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Fri Mar 6 08:55:04 EST 2009

Knock 3 to 6 Strokes Off Your Golf Game
Without Touching A Club... Guaranteed! 
I recently learned that Gotham's Dr. Dan Schaefer is conducting a "Golf And
The Mind Game" clinic at the Yale Club on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 from 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This is the same clinic and the same content that his
clients have paid thousands of dollars to learn and experience. 
With the Gotham Golf Tournament just 3 months away, I encouraged him to
extend a special invitation (and discount) to Gotham members. Here's his
First, Dan would like you to visit his website at
<http://www.GolfAndTheMindGame.com> www.GolfAndTheMindGame.com to learn
about this special clinic and how it guarantees to help anyone knock 3 to 6
strokes off their game without touching a club!
Then, if you'd like to attend, Dan says DO NOT REGISTER ONLINE. Instead,
call his assistant Janet at 917-921-9251 and identify yourself as a Gotham
Dan has reserved ONLY 32 TICKETS at a special price for Gotham members (and
their guests)... and these 32 tickets are available on a first come, first
served basis. 
For these 32 tickets only, Gotham members pay only $162.50 per person. You
are welcome to bring up to 4 people total (members or non-members) at the
same rate of $162.50 per person. (All Dan asks is that when you call you
provide Janet with all the names and pay for your guests in a single credit
card transaction, such as $487.50 for 3 people.)
Dan says once these 32 Gotham tickets are gone, the price goes back it's
regular price of $325 per person with the standard 10% Gotham discount. 
At a time when businesses are concerned about negative press from
overspending on clients, this is a great way for you to entertain and thank
clients who play golf. It's low key, extremely valuable, and priced right! 
Everything you need to know about the Golf and The Mind Game clinic is on
Dan's website. So check that out and then call Janet if you want to be one
of the 32 who will get this special pricing.
At this price, these 32 tickets could go fast -- a few hours or a few days.
So check it out today. 
Best regards, 
P.S.  Dan says you don't have to be a golfer to get maximum benefit from
this clinic because it's about business, life, and winning! I'm not a
golfer, but I can attest to the power of this clinic. 
Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, New York 10165
212-505-4339 or 800-226-2428
347-920-3272 finds me anywhere, anytime!
Don't Just Watch The Gap... Eliminate It!
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