[Fredslist] Seeking Sponsers For The Brandeis Golf Team

Danielle Schivek deevexx at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 10:57:12 EST 2009

Hi Gotham,

My name is Danielle Schivek and I am a student member of Gotham, and a
sophomore at Brandeis University.  In these tough economic times and
in the wake of the Madoff scandal, the University is looking to make a
lot of painful cuts in many of the activities at school, including
athletic teams.  One of the teams that is near and dear to me is the
Brandeis Golf Team.  The team is on its way to becoming one of the top
teams in New England, and this year, boasted one of the top golfers in
New England in the form of Junior Lee Bloom (10), winner of the
Bowdoin Invitational. The fear is that if the program folds now, it
will take a decade to come back.

The administration has told us that if we raise $22,000 we can salvage
the program for another year.  Does anyone have any high level
contacts at golf equipment or apparel manufacturers, or even country
clubs in the Boston area that would be interested in sponsoring our
team?  If anyone is interested in helping out, we’ve also set up a web
site at www.donatetomyteam.com.  The password is Brandeis Golf.

Any help or insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Danielle J. Schivek
Gotham Student Member

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