[Fredslist] Camp Happy Times for Kids with Cancer

Judy Heft judithheft at optonline.net
Mon Jun 22 09:11:05 EDT 2009

My sister has been the volunteer director of Camp Happy Times for 20 years
which is part of The Valerie Fund out of New Jersey. For the past 25 years
they have a one week free camp for kids with cancer. Some of these kids are
in remission and some are on Chemo and radiation. No matter what their
situation they still get to come to camp for the last week in August. There
are volunteer nurses and doctors on staff. This year we are expecting 100
kids and 200 volunteer counselors. It is an amazing experience and I have
been going for 6 years. It is awesome to watch these kids grow up and thrive
during this week. The kids range in age from 5 to 18 and then they take a
year off and can come back as LIT's. And many of the counselors are cancer
survivors, have attended camp or have been touched by this horrible disease
through a family member like so many of us. 


I am reaching out to ask if anyone out there in Gothamland has anything they
would be willing to donate to camp for the kids. Every year we have a
different theme and this year it is Western. But all kinds of donations are
needed, snacks, clothing, toys, costumes, cosmetics, or anything fun for the
kids. And of course money is always welcome. There is a "store" where the
kids get to shop and take anything they want home with them. There is a trip
for the entire camp to a minor league baseball game, a dance, talent show
and Chanel comes to camp with about 10 volunteers make up artists to the
girls about make up the day of the dance and sends them home with full
goodie bags Plus all the usual camp stuff.. Some of these kids are inner
city kids from Newark, Brooklyn, Bronx and other parts of NJ. Camp is open
to anyone who has been treated at one of the seven Valerie Fund centers.
Find out more about the Valerie Fund and Camp Happy Times at
www.thevaleriefund.org/camphappytimes   If you do make a cash donation
please make a note that it is to be used for Camp Happy Times. If you want
more information, please email me. This year camp is August 22 to 28th. Camp
is held at Tyler Hill Camp situated on two lakes for swimming and water
sports and the boy vs. girls fishing contest. This is a week to remember and
the kids leave on the last day tearfully saying goodbye to their friends and
begging for just one more week. This is a place they can come and not feel


So if you have any contacts for in-kind donations, we would really
appreciate it.


See you on Wednesday night at the Friars Club. 



Thanks and regards,


Judith Heft & Associates, LLC

Bill paying and daily management for busy individuals

office 203-978-1858

fax 203-978-1857

cell 917-494-3986


 <mailto:judy at judithheft.com> judy at judithheft.com

LinkedIn profile: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/judyheft>


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